Ben Allen

Sounds Worth Hearing

Click on the picture for a sound file associated with the subject pictured.

A cardinal sings in the back yard. A sure sign of spring.

A cardinal singing early in spring


Martin Luther King, Jr.'s address to the March on Washington. August 28th, 1963. "I Have A Dream."

MLK JR. LIncoln Memorial


A frozen lake in Minnesota

Wynne in front of an icy Cedar Lake The sound comes from sliding chunks of snow and ice we threw onto the frozen lake.






Friend Chris Makes Dubious... er I Mean Amazing Observations


Slice of HIgh School Americana

Cherry Creek Football field The announcement of homecoming king and queen at Cherry Creek High School in Denver, 2010.








A clap of thunder and summer rain

Summer rain from the front porchSummer rain failing gently on the avenue. This is why porches are a wonderful thing.







Northwoods lake

Lake VermilionIt's past the first frost for Lake Vermilion which means almost no mosquitos.














Calliope the cat

Calliope the Cat
She's quite the "helper" when a lap is available but her purr is perhaps her most distinguishing characteristic.







Howler monkeys at Dzibanche

HOwler monkeyIt was a good thing that it was a sunny day and the young howlers looked so cute. If I'd been alone in the jungle in the ancient Mayan city of Dzibanche and it had been dark I would have been sure some horrific end was in my near future.